ANGELES nike air max 95 solde , Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- "Dunkirk", Christopher Nolan'sepic war film, is showing gutsy staying power at box office,earning 133 million U.S. dollars in North America after just 17days in theaters and already crossed the 300 million U.S. dollarsmark worldwide.
"Dunkirk" tells the story of the harrowing struggle to surviveof over 335,000 allied troops (British, French and Belgian) pinneddown in the Spring of 1940 between the blistering advance of theGerman panzer tank division and the deep, unforgiving sea.
At a recent interview air max 97 pas cher homme , Chris Nolan told Xinhua: "For me, it'salways been about finding a story that hooks me, that I feel I canhave an emotional connection with. Dunkirk is a story I've grown upwith... it's one of the great human stories - a story aboutcommunal heroism - about the cumulative effect of small acts ofhuman heroism and what we can achieve together, rather thanindividually."
"Dunkirk" brings us the gripping true story that promptedBritish wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill's famous speech,"We shall fight on the beaches...we shall fight on the landinggrounds... We shall never surrender..."
Nolan said "Dunkirk" was inspired by his heart-stopping,tempestuous channel-crossing with his wife years back when theywere tossed about in a fragile vessel. That left him in awe of thesheer, selfless courage of scores of ordinary nike air max 97 ultra pas cher , small-town Brits whobraved not just turbulent seas to rescue their stranded countrymen,but a barrage of enemy fire and a deadly, aerial firestorm raineddown from above by the ruthless German Luftwaffe.
This gave him the idea to create not just a historical drama,but an immersive, adrenaline-junky experience for viewers.Unusually light on dialogue and relying heavily on viewer empathywith the characters, the film virtually puts the viewers on thebeachhead, in the air nike air max 95 premium rose , under the water, to live or die vicariouslywith our on-screen heroes.
"This story is about suspense. Suspense is a cinematic languagewhere you can't take your eyes of the screen," Nolan said, whilediscussing his intriguing decision to build the film around acomplex matrix of tension-building sound (that might best bedescribed as an Escher etching for the ear) that he used to hanghis action visuals on.
Nolan explained, "the script is based on a type of musicaleffect that I've used in my other films... called a Shepherd Tone.What I did in the script was try to create a narrative equivalentof that where each storyline is compounding in its tension on theother and never finishing. So you're cycling a series ofclimaxes."
Though at times his soundtrack's deafening, sheer relentlessnessis distracting, there is no doubt that nike air max 95 premium pas cher , overall, its organ-pulping,Dolby-subwoofer vibrato is powerfully effective and builds asuffocating sense of suspense.
Just as San Francisco psychotherapist Tina Stromsted said, thefilm "can trigger an unconscious 'fight or flight' response in ourbrains" in a way that forces viewers to feel that they are there,trapped on a dwindling strip of blood-drenched sand beside theirheroes.
Nolan also has a thing for time. "Time in any film is a veryinteresting tool for filmmakers to use," he told Xinhua.
Ever since his directorial debut 17 years ago, he has harnessedthe entropic arrow of time in a myriad of ways.
In "Memento" he literally ran time backwards; in "Inception nike air max 95 essential gris ," heinverted and subverted it; and in "Interstellar," he created anemotionally-laden Mobius-strip of temporal co-existence thattranscended time and space.
"Dunkirk" is no exception. In it, Nolan artfully portrays threeconverging plotlines with different time dilations: For Tom Hardyand the other pilots in the air, in accordance with the mostephemeral of the elements, time flashes by in an hour. For MarkRylance and the civilian patriots on the sea, in tune with water'sgreater density, we wallow through an entire death-defying day.With Fionn Whitehead and Harry Styles on land nike air max 95 essential pas cher , weighed down bygravity and the angst of war, we are mired in a week of livinghell.
Remarkably, though this risky gamble could have been asdisastrous as crossing proton